Library of Things
Browse the Library of Things in our Online Catalog!
How to Use the Library of Things:
- You must be a Lake County resident and have had your library card for at least 30 days to sign up to use the Library of Things.
- Sign-up must be done in-person at the LCPL front desk. Youth sign-up must be completed in-person by a parent or guardian.
- Check out is for one week.
- One renewal is allowed (as long as there are no holds on the item), but you must contact LCPL to renew the item- they cannot be renewed online.
- Green tag Things can be checked out to kids or adults who are Library of Things verified. Yellow and purple tag Things can only be checked out to ADULT cardholders.
- Only one Thing can be checked out per account for yellow tags (no additional Things of any tag color). Two items per account can be checked out for green or purple tags.
- Items MUST be returned to the front desk, do not put them into the book drop.
Overdue policy:
- If Library of Things items are returned overdue on three occasions within a one-year period, Library of Things checkout privileges will be revoked for six months! If you are unable to get your items back on time due to extenuating circumstances, please contact the library and we will work with you to grant possible exceptions or renewals as determined by staff.
LoT Frequently Asked Questions
Yes! You can seach our online catalog to find the Library of Things item you would like to place on hold. Use the "Schedule Item" button to schedule the pick-up and drop-off dates.
If another patron has the item on hold during your requested dates, the hold will not be scheduled.
Use care when handling the kits and items in the Library of Things collection. Details on care for specific Things are included on the laminated tag on the case. The borrower is solely responsible for the borrowed Things and will be billed for reasonable repair or replacement costs associated with damage or loss due to neglect or abuse. The Lake County Public Library has sole discretion in making these decisions. A list of replacement costs of item components is maintained by the library, included in each case, and available upon request.
Lake County Public Library is not responsible for any injury, loss, or damage that may occur from the use of an item in the Library of Things. Lake County Public Library is not responsible for the loss of any data while using this equipment.
The responsibility to protect against loss is the borrower’s. Staff will inspect items upon return. Borrowers are expected to return the item with all parts and components in the original library container to the main desk of the library. Items must be returned at the main desk, not in the Book Drop. Patrons will be responsible for any damage to an item while in their possession.
Unfortunately, no. Only patrons who hold resident library cards will be able to check out from the Library of Things.