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Library Policies

Access to Library Materials by Minors 

Lake County Public Library is committed to providing access to information and appropriate protections to its patrons while being consistent with the Library's longstanding commitment to the principles of free expression as set forth in the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.

It is ultimately the responsibility of parents or legal guardians to guide their children in the appropriate use of the library and its collections and services. The library will not restrict usage of any materials or collections when parents or guardians are not present.

Lake County Public Library access policies are guided by the following American Library Association statements on access to information:

Article VII of the Library Bill of Rights states, "All people, regardless of origin, age, background, or views, possess a right to privacy and confidentiality in their library use." This includes students and minors, who have a right to be free from any unreasonable intrusion into or surveillance of their lawful library use.”  (Interpretation of the Library Bill of Rights: Free Access to Libraries for Minors and Access to Electronic Information Services and Resources.)

A Reminder to Parents:

You are the only person who may restrict your child’s access to library materials and services. The library staff are responsible for providing equal access to library materials and services for all users. Organizations that provide ratings, such as the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), are not government organizations and therefore cannot be mandated or enforced; their ratings are considered advisory, not law.

The library staff is available to assist any parent or guardian locate information (ratings, reviews, etc.) on the appropriateness of a movie or book for their children.

Animal Policy 

Lake County Public Library does not allow animals in the Library, with the exception of service animals, service animal trainees and animals featured in programs sponsored by the Library.

 “Service animal” is defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) as any service animal that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability. The work or tasks performed by a service animal must be directly related to the individual’s disability. Service animals are limited to the animals defined under the ADA and do not include any other species of animal, wild or domestic, trained or untrained. Service animal does not include an animal used or relied upon for crime deterrence, emotional support, well-being, comfort, or companionship. Under the ADA, state and local governments, businesses and nonprofit organizations that serve the public generally must allow service animals to accompany people with disabilities in all areas of the facility where the public is normally allowed to go. 

Service animals perform some of the functions and tasks that the individual with a disability cannot perform for him or herself. Service animals perform tasks like guiding the blind, alerting the deaf, assisting those with seizures, reminding individuals to take medication, comforting  PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) sufferers, and more. They're working animals, not pets. Service animals must be allowed in all public places. No special license or vest is required. The service animal must be fully controlled at all times. Both the person with the disability and the service animal must adhere to the library’s Patron Behavior Policy.

Under the ADA, service animals must be harnessed, leashed or tethered, unless these devices interfere with the service animal’s work or the individual’s disability prevents using these devices. In that case, the individual must maintain control of the animal through voice, signal, or other effective controls. 

A person with a disability cannot be asked to remove their service animal from the premises unless: (1) the dog is out of control and the handler does not take effective action to control it or (2) the dog is not housebroken. When there is a legitimate reason to ask that a service animal be removed, staff must offer the person with the disability the opportunity to obtain goods or services without the animal’s presence.

When it is not clear what service an animal provides, only limited questions are allowed. Staff may ask two questions: (1) is the dog a service animal required because of a disability, and (2) what work or task has the dog been trained to perform. Staff cannot ask about the person’s disability, require medical documentation, require a special identification card or training documentation for the dog, or ask that the dog demonstrate its ability to perform the work or task.


Collection Development Policy 

Collection Development Policy


Lake County Public Library (“LCPL”) serves the residents and visitors of Lake County. The Collection Development Policy is meant to provide guidance for the selection and evaluation of materials ensuring that LCPL provides collections that are relevant to its mission and current.

LCPL Collections

LCPL's collections serve the informational, educational, cultural, and recreational needs of the community. LCPL’s collections include a variety of formats for children, young adults, adults, and Spanish speakers. LCPL is pleased to maintain the Colorado Mountain History Collection (“CMHC”). This collection includes books, manuscripts, newspapers, ephemera, audio/visual materials and photographs related to the history of Lake County and surrounding regions. While this is a non-circulating collection, it is available for viewing by the public. A continuing large-scale digitization project is utilized to make more of this information easily accessible online. The digital collection can be viewed here.

Selection philosophy

In support of LCPL’s Mission and Values, we endorse the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights and its statement on Freedom to Read. We strive to develop collections that cover a wide depth and breadth of topics and represent the diversity of our community. When selecting materials, we consider the following:

  • Currency and relevance to the community;
  • Community requests and interests;
  • Contemporary value;
  • Local or state significance (Colorado history and authors);
  • Format needs (print, digital or audio);
  • Cost;
  • Needs of the collection and alignment with LCPL strategic initiatives; and
  • Physical space needed.
  • Self-published books

The library generally does not purchase self-published books for the collection. Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the director based on the following criteria:

  • The title is being widely distributed either throughout the state or country;
  • The title is being collected by a number of libraries;
  • The title has been reviewed by reputable established publications, including a widely distributed newspaper or magazine (e.g. Denver Post, Booklist);
  • The title is professionally bound and has a print run beyond 5000 copies; and
  • The genre or topic fits LCPL’s Collection needs.

Selection Responsibility

The Library Director is empowered by the Library Board of Trustees with responsibility for selection of materials. While the Director may delegate some selection responsibilities to appropriate library staff, all decisions concerning the acquisition, retention, display and use of library resources and for the use of LCPL facilities shall comply with the following minimum standards set forth at C.R.S. 24-90-122(2)(a)-(i) (2024), as the same may be amended from time to time:

(a) LCPL serves as a center for voluntary inquiry and the dissemination of information and ideas;

(b) The public has the right to access a range of social, political, aesthetic, moral, and other ideas and experiences through LCPL;

(c) Each library resource is provided for the interest, information, and enlightenment of the community and should present diverse points of view in the collection as a whole;

(d) LCPL shall not exclude a library resource because of the ethnic origin, ethnic background, or gender identity of those contributing to the creation of the library resource or because of the topic addressed by the library resource or the opinions expressed in the library resource;

(e) LCPL shall not proscribe or prohibit the circulation or procurement of a library resource because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval of the library resource;

(f) It is the responsibility of LCPL to challenge censorship in the fulfillment of its responsibility to provide information and enlightenment;

(g) LCPL shall consider the perspectives of marginalized groups, including the history, culture, and social contributions of minorities, including but not limited to American Indians, Latinos, African Americans, and Asian Americans, lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals, and the intersectionality of significant social and culture features within these communities, and the contributions and persecution of religious minorities;

(h) The LCPL’s public facilities shall be made available on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use; and

(i) The LCPL shall prohibit discrimination based on age, background, political or religious views, origin, disability, race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, national origin, or ancestry in the selection, retention, display, use, or reconsideration of LCPL resources and public meeting spaces.

See also § 22-1-104(1)(a), C.R.S. This written policy may be revised or amended at intervals in the sole discretion of the Library Board of Trustees.

Colorado Mountain History Collection

The CMHC includes many formats and types of documents related to the history of Lake County and surrounding areas. LCPL has undertaken an ongoing digitization effort to make these items more accessible to researchers. Items have been prioritized based on condition and demand for usage. The full collection development and digitization plan can be viewed here.

Maintenance & criteria for withdrawal

Like a healthy garden, a library collection also needs to be weeded to make room for new items. We carefully consider all items that are withdrawn from the collection based on the following criteria:

  • Physical condition;
  • Relevance and community interest;
  • Frequency of use;
  • Timeliness; and
  • Multiple copies, with the exception of high circulating items and multiple formats (large print, audiobooks, etc.).

Request for Reconsideration

Patrons who reside in Lake County may request withdrawal of a library resource or reconsideration of a library resource that has been withdrawn by filling out the Request for Reconsideration (Appendix A) form and submitting it to the Library Director. The Library Director will review the request and add it to a Library Board of Trustees meeting agenda for consideration and action. However, no resource may be excluded from the library’s collections based on ethnic origin, ethnic background, or gender identity of the contributors of the resource. Neither may a resource be excluded based on the topic addressed by the resource or by opinions expressed in the resource. According to state law SB24-216 (Standards for Decisions Regarding Library Resources), which has been codified at C.R.S. § 24-90-122 (2024), a library cannot exclude any resource because of opposing political, spiritual or moral beliefs. 

Request for Reconsideration forms are subject to the Colorado Open Records Act. 

When a Request for Reconsideration is received, the Board of Trustees of the Library will convene a Reconsideration Review Committee comprised of the Library Director and two Trustees. This Review Committee will evaluate the resource in question in conjunction with this written policy and within the parameters of § 22-1-122(2) and -(3), C.R.S., and will provide a recommendation to the Board. The Board of Trustees shall then make the final determination with regard to the library resource that details how its decision comports with the provisions of § 24-90-122(2), C.R.S., and this decision shall be made available to the public. Library resources shall not be removed, discontinued, or restricted as the result of a request for reconsideration until after the determination regarding the library resource has been made available to the public. Retaliation against the library or its staff during this process is prohibited by state law. 

The Library Director will notify the public of the outcome of the review. The results of the review by the Reconsideration Review Committee and by the Board of Trustees will remain on record as long as the item remains part of the collection. A library resource shall not be reconsidered more than once in a 5-year period. Statement on Labeling and Rating LCPL staff provides viewpoint neutral labeling only. We label for the convenience of our community using Library of Congress curated lists for genre, large print, Spanish language resources, holidays, and directional labeling (call numbers). To provide this information, LCPL staff rely on information from the catalog records which are provided by the Library of Congress or other entities approved by our library consortium. We do not label according to subject; what may inspire one patron may offend another. Part of LCPL’s mission is to provide: "...equal access to information and [encourage] diversity of ideas." This is true, regardless of whether we like those ideas or not. Labeling based on subject is considered censorship because it is a value judgment and its intent is to " warn, discourage, or prohibit users or certain groups of users from accessing the resource" (ALA, Labeling Systems: An Interpretation of the Library Bill of Rights). LCPL has adopted ALA’s Policy on labeling and rating: Labeling Systems: An

Interpretation of the Library Bill of Rights

Computer and Internet Policy 

Lake County Public Library (LCPL) offers the public free use of computers with Internet access. LCPL provides free wireless Internet access for users with their own devices.  We expect all patrons to be both law-abiding and civil while using either one of these services.

To Use a Public Computer:

  • Patrons may use a computer for 1-hour session; a session may be extended if there are no other patrons waiting.
  • Children age 10 and under may not use a computer without close adult supervision.
  • No reservations may be made.
  • Users should save their work to a USB drive or upload to their cloud storage account. All user-created documents are deleted at the end of every session.
  • Patrons who violate the Computer and Internet Policy will lose computer privileges.

Internet Use:

LCPL provides internet access consistent with its mission to provide educational and informational resources. With the privilege to access LCPL’s Internet comes the responsibility to use it in a reasonable and ethical way. 

In accordance with State and Federal laws, all Internet access is filtered to screen out obscene and sexually explicit websites. No filtering system is infallible and LCPL does not assume responsibility for the accuracy of its Internet filters. Parents have the responsibility to monitor their children’s use of library computers and the Internet to ensure their safety.

  • Use computers only for lawful purposes.
  • Refrain from viewing pornographic visual materials or content that by contemporary community standards would be considered obscene.
  • Users shall not represent themselves as another user unless explicitly authorized to do so by that user.
  • It is not acceptable to use library resources to seek to infiltrate the computer or computing system and or damage or alter the software or hardware components of a local or remote computer or computing system.
  • It is not acceptable to seek information on or obtain copies of or modify files, other data, or passwords that belong to other users.
  • Hacking and attempts to bypass the library’s e-resources menus or library proxy servers is not acceptable.
  • Users may not extend or modify the network in any way.  This includes adding access points and installing bridges, switches, hubs, or repeaters.  LCPL reserves the right to remove or disable any unauthorized access points.
  • If you believe a website has been blocked in error, you may submit a Request for Reconsideration of Access to a Website to library staff. The Library Director will review your request.

Wireless Internet Use:

LCPL provides open wireless Internet access.  The library does not provide technical support for wireless users. 

Please be aware that the wireless network is not secure.  Like many public wireless hotspots, information is not encrypted and is subject to electronic eavesdropping by others.  Wireless users are responsible for providing the security of their own equipment and electronic communications.

  • Wireless users must also comply with LCPL’s Computers and Internet Use Policy.
  • Any attempt to break into or gain unauthorized access to any computers or systems from a wireless connection is prohibited.
  • The library does not supply or loan cables or other computer equipment.
  • Any effort to circumvent the security systems designed to prevent unauthorized access to the library’s wireless network may result in suspension of all access.
  • The library cannot guarantee that any given device will connect or guarantee any specific level of bandwidth, or general Internet site availability at any time.
  • The library exercises no control over and will not be held responsible for user-supplied equipment or Internet content that users choose to access or create using their own equipment.

Policy Violations:

  • Library staff will instruct patrons to cease behavior that violates this policy, explaining what the violation is, what behavior needs to be corrected, and the consequences of not correcting the behavior.
  • If the patron continues the behavior subsequent to a warning, library staff will hand the interaction over to the most senior staff person available.  The senior staff person will inform the patron that refusal to cease prohibited behaviors or repeated infractions will result in loss of all computer privileges.
  • The Library Director will determine how long any such suspension will last.  If the suspended patron refuses to agree to abide by the policy restrictions, such suspension may be indefinite.
  • The Leadville Police Department will be contacted to handle any interactions where patron behavior is deemed abusive, illegal, or threatening.
Meeting Room Policy 

Only non-profit groups, county departments, or community groups offering events open to the public are eligible to use these rooms. The rooms may not be used for private functions, religious worship services, or by school-age students without adult supervision. No admission fee or registration fee may be sought from meeting attendees.

The AMAX Room & kitchenette are available to eligible groups without charge when the room is not being used for Library sponsored activities. It is available both during and after regular library hours.

The Baby Doe Conference Room seats 10 people. This room is not available for individual use or online conference/meeting use. It is only available during library hours.


Before & During Events:

  • Community users must provide a description of the event to be posted on the library’s public calendar.
  • No smoking and no alcoholic beverages are allowed.
  • Users agree to abide by all Lake County Public Library’s policies, including its Code of Conduct.
  • Movies shown or recordings played must have the appropriate public performance rights. Obtaining the license & all applicable fees are the responsibility of the group. Proof of public performance rights shall be provided to the library director prior to the event date. 


Amax Room keys will be provided each time the facilities are to be used. Keys will be available for pick up 24 hours ahead of the time scheduled for your group.  For events beginning when the Library is closed, it is the responsibility of a group member to pick up keys during regular Library hours prior to the scheduled event.

After Events:

When an event ends, the group is responsible for:

  • Returning the room to its original condition;
  • Turning off all lights and disconnecting any appliances used;
  • Making sure all AMAX Room & kitchenette doors are locked, including 12th St. exit door;
  • Returning all keys borrowed immediately after the meeting ends to the Circulation Desk or via the book drop on the 12th St. side of the building.
  • AMAX Room users are responsible for the setup and breakdown of any chairs and tables. 
  • Users must leave the premises clean (including rest rooms) and in good repair. 
  •  All food and supplies must be removed immediately following an event.

It is the responsibility of the group to notify the Library immediately if a scheduled meeting is changed or canceled, and to give notice when the standing reservation is no longer needed, or if the telephone number of the group’s contact person changes.

Groups or individuals using meeting rooms shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Library, its trustees, agents and employees from and against any and all losses, damages, claims, costs, suits, actions of any kind, arising and resulting and accruing from any act, omission or error of the such group or individual and any users, employees, agents, representatives, guests, invitees, resulting in or relating to personal injuries or property damage arising from the group’s or individual’s use of the Library.

Failure to comply with the terms and conditions of this agreement will result in denying the person/organization future use of the facilities.

To Book a Room:
To book a room please fill out this form (clicking will open a new window with the form). After the form is completed, we will be in touch to confirm availability and have you sign a physical copy of our usage policy agreement before the room will be considered booked for your event. Reservations require the group name, a contact person, a telephone number, the size of the group, the date and time. Please also include set-up and clean-up time needed, equipment needed including the kitchenette. If you have any questions, please call the library at (719) 486-0569.

Patron Behavior Policy 

Lake County Public Library seeks to provide a safe and enjoyable space for learning, reading, and gathering within the community.

LCPL expects all patrons to abide by federal, state, and local laws while using the library.

The following behaviors are not acceptable in the library:

  • Any behavior that endangers or threatens the health or safety of library patrons or library staff.
  • Violation of any local, state, or federal law.
  • Vandalism or deliberate destruction of library material.
  • Theft of library materials or personal property of other patrons or staff.
  • Use of abusive or intimidating language or gestures to patrons or staff
  • Behavior that is willfully annoying, harassing[1], or threatening to another person.
  • Use of the library telephone for personal business, unless in an emergency and at the discretion of library staff.
  • Use of alcohol, cigarettes, or illegal substances in the library.
  • Other kinds of behavior deemed inappropriate in the opinion of the Director or designated staff members
  • Inappropriate dress, such bathing suits and wet clothing or not wearing a shirt or shoes in the library
  • Using the restrooms to bathe or wash hair.
  • Carrying a concealed firearm or other weapon without a permit.

Enforcement of Behavior Policies

Any patron engaging in such behaviors will be asked to leave the library and may have borrowing privileges revoked or suspended, or be prohibited from entering the library and its grounds.

Staff is authorized to use all necessary and reasonable measures to enforce these policies.

Any patron or group of patrons who exhibit or participate in prohibited behavior or disregard Library rules and policies after having been warned by staff may be asked to leave the Library and not return for the remainder of the day.

The Library Director is authorized to limit or suspend Library privileges (all or in part, as determined by the Library Director) of anyone whose unacceptable behavior is chronic, dangerous, or severely disruptive. Parents of minor children will be notified of this action.

Any patron or group of patrons who do not leave the Library after having been asked by staff, will be considered trespassers. Police may be called to remove trespassers from the Library or to provide assistance to Library staff in dealing with persons who violate Library policies, rules, or regulations.

Appealing Revocation of Library Privileges

Any Library patron whose library privileges have been revoked for any period and for whatever reason may appeal to the Board of Trustees.

The appealing person (the Appellant) must set forth the reasons for his or her appeal in a letter (the Appeal Letter) addressed to the President of the Board and mailed to:

Secretary, Board of Trustees, Lake County Public Library

1115 Harrison Avenue

Leadville, Colorado 80461

The Appeal Letter does not need to follow any particular format, but must include the decision(s) appealed and the reason(s) the Appellant thinks each decision is wrong. The Appellant must write on the envelope the word “APPEAL.”

As soon as the Appeal Letter is received at the Library, the Library Director shall forward it, unopened, to the Secretary of the LCPL Board of Trustees, who shall distribute a copy of the appeal letter to each Board member so that the Board can consider the appeal at its first reasonable opportunity. The Board shall not, nor shall it be required to, hold a special meeting to consider the Appellant’s appeal.

In reaching a decision whether to affirm, modify or reverse the revocation of library privileges, the Board of Trustees may ask the Appellant and any other persons with knowledge of the matters involved in the appeal to testify at the Board meeting at which the Board considers the appeal. The Board shall not be bound by any formal rules of evidence or procedure.

When one person is testifying, the Board may exclude all other testifying witnesses from the place where the Board is hearing testimony.

After the Board is satisfied that it has sufficiently considered the Appellant’s appeal and any testimony relating to that appeal, it shall affirm, modify or reverse revocation of library privileges. Under no circumstances is the Board obligated to restore the Appellant’s privilege to use the Library, but the Board shall consider the appeal fairly in light of all known circumstances. When the Board has decided the Appellant’s appeal, it will notify the Appellant and the Library Director in writing of its decision within seven (7) days of that decision. The Board may, but is not required to, give any reason for or finding of fact in support of its decision.

The Board’s decision with respect to the matter of the Appellant’s appeal shall be final and binding upon Appellant.


[1] Harassment is defined as any action taken or situation created intentionally to produce psychological or physical discomfort, embarrassment, or ridicule.  Harassment is characterized by requests for sexual contact, unwelcome physical advances, or conduct (verbal or physical) of a nature that is intimidating, demeaning, hostile, offensive, or potentially dangerous to self or others.

Unattended Children Policy 

The Lake County Public Library staff and Board of Trustees hope that the children who use our library will perceive our facility as a warm, inviting, and fun place to be. Services and programs are offered to make the library enticing to children and to help them enjoy their visits and develop a love of books, reading and libraries. Together we strive to make LCPL a fun and welcoming environment. 


It is always the parent, guardian or caregiver's responsibility to look after the safety and care of their children; this includes when a parent is not present at the library. The library is an open public space and as such children’s safety cannot be guaranteed. Library staff value the safety of children, but will not be responsible for the welfare of children left unattended. 

If an unattended child is found to be in distress while at the library staff will make their best efforts to contact a parent, guardian, or caregiver. If a responsible adult cannot be contacted in an appropriate amount of time the Leadville City Police will be contacted. 


All children under 8 years of age are required to have a responsible person to supervise the child while in the library; this means they must remain in the child’s physical presence while in the library. If a child is left unattended or appears to be neglected the Leadville City Police will be contacted. 


The patron behavior policy applies to all patrons regardless of age.

Security Camera Policy 

Lake County Public Library (LCPL) maintains security cameras throughout the library, community rooms, and outside the building to help create and maintain a safe environment for all patrons and staff. These cameras are in place to assist staff in identifying violations of LCPL’s Patron Behavior Policy. LCPL’s security cameras will be used only for the protection and safety of library visitors, employees, assets, and property.

Public Notice of Cameras

Signage regarding LCPL’s usage of cameras will always be posted at the library entrance to inform the public that security cameras are in use.

Camera locations

Cameras may be installed in locations where individuals lack a reasonable expectation of privacy. Examples include common areas of the Library such as entrances, near book and media collections, public seating areas, public computers, and areas prone to theft or misconduct.
Cameras will not be installed in areas of the Library where individuals have a reasonable expectation of privacy, such as restrooms or private offices. Cameras will not be positioned to identify a person’s reading, viewing, or listening activities in the Library.

Retention of recorded data

Recorded data will be retained for 7 days except for still shots or selected clips relating to specific incidents and investigations. These pieces of recorded data may be kept until an investigation is closed.

Access to recorded data and patron privacy

Recorded data are not to be used directly or indirectly to identify the activities of individual Library patrons except as viewed in relation to a specific event or suspected criminal activity, suspected violation of Library policy, or incidents where there is reasonable basis to believe a claim may be made against the Library for civil liability. Only the following people may have access to recorded data:

  • Library Director and supervisors within the library;
  • Law enforcement with a subpoena or court order.

Confidentiality and privacy issues prohibit a person from the general public from viewing recordings that contain patron information. If a person wishes to review recorded data then he or she must file a police report.

Social Media Policy 

LCPL engages with the Lake County community and other library enthusiasts through various social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) with the purpose of providing information about LCPL’s programs, services and collections. LCPL makes every effort to ensure all photos are provided in both English & Spanish. LCPL staff may also share posts that are relevant to libraries (articles, information about books, etc.).

LCPL does not collect or use any personal information of our followers that is collected by a third-party site (Facebook, Instagram, etc.). Users may remove themselves as “Friends” or “Followers” at any time.

Comments and messages are welcome on any of LCPL’s pages or profiles which are maintained on any social media sites. While LCPL respects a diversity of opinions, all interactions will be monitored and reviewed for content, relevance, and appropriate conduct. LCPL reserves the right to remove or modify content or postings that are deemed to be abusive, obscene, defamatory, spam, in violation of Intellectual Property rights, or are otherwise inappropriate.

Photography, Videography, and Recording by LCPL visitors and patrons 

Photography, video recording, and audio recording are allowed under the conditions listed below only to the extent that they do not interfere with the operations, programs, and activities of Lake County Public Library (LCPL) or the rights of LCPL patrons. LCPL will limit or stop photography, videography, and recording on library property or inside facilities when such restrictions serve library purposes and support the public’s safety or security. Foremost of these is ensuring the right of LCPL patrons to use the library freely and confidently without scrutiny, intimidation, or distraction by others.  

Any person photographing, filming, and/or recording on LCPL premises:

  • Is expected to be respectful of, and refrain from disturbing patrons as specified in the Patron Behavior Policy.
  • Must obtain all necessary releases and permissions from persons who are photographed, filmed, or recorded. Only a parent or legal guardian may grant such releases and permissions for a minor.
  • Accepts sole responsibility for adherence to copyright law (Title 17, United States Code) regarding reproduction and distribution of copyrighted materials.
  • Is not permitted to take photos, video, or audio of any other person in areas where there is a reasonable expectation of privacy, such as restrooms or library personnel only areas. 

Photography, Videography, and Recording by LCPL Staff

LCPL staff may photograph, film, and record programs and events for library publicity and promotional purposes including, but not limited to website, newsletter, and/or social media use. LCPL staff will make every effort to notify members of the public when photography, videography, and recording is taking place, and signs with crowd-release language will be posted at library events where LCPL photography, videography, and/or recording is happening. Reasonable efforts will be made to respect the wishes of patrons who do not want to be photographed, filmed, or recorded. Patrons reserve the right to request a photo of their likeness be removed from the public material and every effort will be made to accommodate such requests.

The full names of any subjects of photo or video recording will not be used without the express written approval of the subject, or if a minor, the parent or legal guardian.

XBox Use Policy 

Public Xbox Use and Video Game Checkout Policies are as follows:

To use the Public Xbox:

Lake County Public Library offers the public free use of an Xbox Series X console during Open Xbox Times. We expect all patrons to follow our Patron Behavior Policy, and to follow the Library’s Public Xbox Use Policy. 

  • Xbox controllers and the Xbox console do not leave the Library.
  • No reservations for controllers can be made.
  • Patrons who violate the Public Xbox Use Policy will lose Xbox use privileges.

Public Xbox Use Policy:

LCPL provides patrons various Xbox games and apps to access on its Public Xbox console.  Parents have the right and responsibility to monitor their children’s use of the library Xbox to ensure their safety. Please also refer to our Access to Library Materials by Minors policy.

  • Public Xbox is primarily for multiplayer gaming purposes. Patrons must share its use.
  • Patrons are free to bring games of their own to play with the Public Xbox. Any video games brought by patrons can be barred from Public Xbox use at the discretion of Library staff. This includes M-rated games, or games that aren’t appropriate for the current audience.
  • The library will not be held responsible for patron-supplied games.
  • Patrons may not make any purchases with the Public Xbox.
  • Patrons may not download additional content to the Public Xbox without permission of Library staff.
  • Patrons shall not represent themselves as another user unless explicitly authorized to do so by that user.
  • It is not acceptable to use library resources to seek to infiltrate the Xbox or Xbox computer system and or damage or alter the software or hardware components of the Xbox console.
  • Any damage done to the Xbox console, Xbox controllers, video game discs, or the AMAX room and its contents, will be considered a violation of the Patron Behavior policy and Xbox Use policy.
  • Theft of any Public Library Xbox materials will be considered a police matter.

Video Game Checkout Policy:

Lake County Public Library offers an expanding collection of console video games available for patrons to checkout for use outside of the Library. This collection is available for all patrons. 

Collection and Loan Parameters

The loan period for video game discs is 3 weeks with 1 renewal.

All video games will be housed in the YA Section of the library. This includes games of all ratings. Please also refer to our Access to Library Materials by Minors policy.

A Reminder to Parents:

You are the only person who may restrict your child’s access to library materials and services. The library staff are responsible for providing equal access to library materials and services for all users. Organizations that provide ratings, such as the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB), are not government organizations and therefore cannot be mandated or enforced; their ratings are considered advisory, not law.

The library staff is available to assist any parent or guardian in locating information (ratings, reviews, ect.) on the appropriateness of a movie or book for their children

Patron Privacy Policy 

The library profession prioritizes the protection of patron privacy as a core tenant of the Library Bill of Rights

Privacy of User Records, CRS 24-90-119. Colorado state law requires that a public library may not disclose patron records or information about library use unless:

  •  needed for library operations;
  •  the user consents;
  •  required through subpoena or court order;
  •  a custodial parent/guardian has access to a minor’s library card. Please see more information under "Confidentiality for Children."

Disclosure by a library official, employee, or volunteer is a class 2 petty offense, with up to $300 fine if convicted. 

Patron Responsibility

Patrons should report lost or stolen library cards as soon as possible to protect their own privacy and avoid unauthorized use.


Passwords are required for the patron to gain access to their online account. This ensures that the patron's identifiable information is protected. 

Confidentiality for Children

Lake County Public Library respects the privacy of all patrons, regardless of age. Parents or guardians of children under the age of 18 may only obtain access to the child's account, including materials that are checked out, on hold, or overdue by providing the child's library card or library card number. 

Third Party Vendor Services 

Lake County Public Library works with third party vendors to provide access to services such as digital content, databases and streaming services. We encourage patrons to read and become familiar with the privacy policies of our third-party services. 

Data Disposal 

Lake County Public Library protects personally identifiable information by shredding physical documents and deleting electronic documents. We also utilize privacy software on public computers which removes cookies, browsing history, cached files, as well as any other computer and internet use record upon log off. 

Government Requests for Patron Records

Lake County Public Library records may only be disclosed pursuant to subpoena, by court order, or where otherwise required by law.  LCPL staff will refer any public records requests or law enforcement enquiries to the Library Director.  Only the Library Director, or whoever they have chosen to be their representative, is authorized to receive or act upon these public records requests.  The Library Director, or their representative, may confer with the County Attorney before determining the proper response to any record requests.

Illegal Activity Prohibited, Not Protected

Patrons may only conduct legal activity while using LCPL resources and services. LCPL will enforce its Patron Behavior Policy; protect its patrons, staff, network and equipment from harm; or prevent use of the LCPL space and equipment for illegal purposes.. This includes contacting law enforcement and providing information that may identify the individual(s) suspected of a violation. 

Programming Policy 

Responsibility for Program Development

Responsibility for program development rests with the Library Director, who operates within the framework of the library's mission, policies, and strategic plan. Program planning and facilitating is delegated to staff members based on their job responsibilities and areas of expertise. These staff members are guided by this policy and utilize professional skills, collections, equipment, facilities, and feedback from the community in planning and delivering library programs.

Selection Guidelines and Objectives

The Library defines a program as an activity or event in a group setting, developed to meet the educational, social, recreational, cultural, or informational needs of an anticipated audience in the community. The Library hosts programs that are single events, a series, or recurring.

Programs may include, but will not be limited to: lectures, forums, visual and performance art, interactive classes or workshops, continuing education, discussion groups, technology programs, storytimes, class visits, library tours, community outreach, and presentations.


When making decisions regarding program content and program selection library staff will consider the following:

  • Relevance to the Library’s mission, strategic plan, and service goals
  • Community needs and interests, including feedback and suggestions from Lake County constituents
  • Potential to promote, supplement, and encourage the use of library collections & resources
  • Presentation quality as determined by presenter’s background, record of presentation, and qualifications in content area
  • Historical, cultural, or educational significance
  • Space required, and the availability of that space
  • Budget required
  • Staff time
  • Balance of current programs being offered at the Library 
  • Connection to other community programs or events

Library programs may take place at the Library, offsite locations, and online, and may be delivered by library staff or library partners. 


The Library receives funding for library programs in a variety of ways including the county's general fund, grants, and support from charitable organizations that support the Library. The Library may also partner with other institutions, organizations, or individuals who have received funding to offer Library programs.

Library programs are always open to the public and offered free of charge. 

Presenters (non-library staff)

Anyone interested in presenting a program may submit a proposal that will be reviewed by the Library director and staff using this policy as a guideline. The Library reserves the right to decline a program for a variety of reasons including, but not limited to, staffing, budgetary constraints, space, or scheduling.

Requests will be reviewed by the following library staff:

Children's programs up to age 11:

Becky Ison

Programs 11+ (including adult programs):

Matt Baumgartner for general inquiries: 

Bilingual or programs in Spanish:

Lidia Gurrola for bilingual programming: 

Co-hosted and Partner Programs

A partnership is a relationship between Lake County Public Library and an institution, non-profit organization, community group, or individual. These relationships involve an effort to provide and/or promote activities and services for the public. Partnerships can range from a one-time collaboration to a long-term arrangement. The Library welcomes partnerships that promote the library's mission statement. Partners must comply with all library policies. Partners that participate in co-hosting a program receive acknowledgment in marketing and PR materials.

Unfortunately, the library's budget limits our ability to pay presenters. Most presenters (either working on their own or as a co-host with the library) participate as volunteers.

Library sponsorship of a program does not constitute an endorsement of the content of the program, or the views expressed by presenters or participants. Program topics, presenters, and resources are not excluded because of possible controversy.

Library programs are non-commercial in nature; this means programs are free and presenters cannot charge for participation. Programs are not to be used for the solicitation of business. Presenters and performers, whether individual or organizational, shall not use a Library program to petition, advertise, or recruit members or customers. While the Library welcomes professional experts to present at its events, Library programs cannot be used to directly further commercial, political, or partisan purposes. Presenters are permitted to have business-related brochures, flyers, or other information available for attendees to pick up after the program if interested. Presenters cannot distribute such materials as part of the event.

Further, as a government entity the library cannot host political or campaign events.

Individuals reserving spaces within the Library for meetings or events not co-hosted with the Library are responsible for their own marketing. These meetings/events will be listed in the Library’s event calendar but are not promoted by the Library. For more information regarding how to reserve Library space for these kinds of programs, please refer to our Meeting Room Policy.

Performers or presenters may receive permission to sell their creative works as part of a library program. Sale of these works and / or other products at Library programs is not permitted unless authorized by the Library Director. Presenters and performers who are willing may donate a copy of their work to the Library for possible inclusion in the collection. 

Intellectual Freedom

Lake County Public Library offers a wide variety of materials and programs to support its mission of providing cultural and learning opportunities to all. The Library respects the freedom of information of its users and adheres to the principles expressed in the American Library Association's Library Bill of Rights and Freedom to Read and Freedom to View.  The Library's goal is to offer a diverse set of ideas and opinions, including those which may be unorthodox or controversial. The Library opposes any attempts by individuals or groups to censor items in its collection or programs it offers.

Parents and guardians are responsible for overseeing their minor children’s use of the Library’s collections and services. The Library does not stand in place of a parent and is not charged with a parent's rights, duties, and responsibilities.

The Library will not act in the role of censor for any age level, material type, or subject matter. Selection of materials and services will not be restricted by the possibility that these items may be accessed by patrons beyond the intended audience. The Library does not use any system of coding, rating, or labeling to identify or segregate materials and services for purposes of censorship.

Access to programs

All library-initiated programs are open to the public, but some meetings and programs may be designed with specific audiences in mind, such as programs intended for children and teens that are geared to their interests and needs. Adults who wish to attend a program specifically designed for children must be accompanied by a child. Tween and teen programs are limited to tweens and teens only, except when they require an adult assistant or companion or otherwise stated in the program's description. Programs targeted toward specific audiences are to be publicized as such.

Every attempt will be made to accommodate all who wish to attend a program. However, when safety, cost, or the success of a program requires it, attendance may be limited. Admittance will be determined on a first come, first served basis, either through advance registration, or at the door. The Library reserves the right to deny attendance to anyone becoming disruptive to audience members or the program facilitator, and to anyone in violation of the Library’s Patron Behavior Policy.


Programs may be canceled for several reasons, including severe weather, absence of the presenter, or low registration. Canceled programs are not automatically rescheduled. When possible, advanced notification of program cancellations will be made on the Library’s online calendar of events and by other appropriate communication channels.


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